
70: Tim Rosenblatt: Awesome Mobile CI – Ship Apps Faster

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Awesome Mobile CI – Ship Apps Fasters

Want to take your mobile app development and testing CI efforts to the next level? Does it take you a long time to deploy your apps? Ship.io can help. Ship.io was developed specifically for Continuous Delivery or native iOS and Android mobile apps to help you easily build, test, deploy and ship quality apps faster.

Tim Rosenblatt, an engineer at Ship.io, shares with us how to improve our mobile app CI efforts.

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About Tim


Tim is an engineer at Ship.io, where he focuses on making an awesome mobile CI platform. Tim's has been coding for 20 years, and has a degree in computer science and business. He’s been coding for the web since 1996.

Prior to Ship.io, Tim was the director of application development at Cloudspace, and began his career in the education and defense industries. He is on the board of Oakland Digital, a non-profit that serves the Bay Area with technical programs for students and small businesses.

Tim is also writing a book on technical debt: http://technicaldebtbook.com .

Quotes & Insights from this Test Talk

  • The mobile app space is so different than doing a server side testing. That requires that the tools be different. It's not the sort of thing that you can just throw Jenkins on a server somewhere and take full advantage of all of those extended mobile development tools, and then also publish out to the different users and deal with all those complexities of dealing with devices that other … And also the changing environment that other tools don't offer. 
  • All we did is iOS and Android. We put a lot of effort into making that sign up process really good and really simple. We're able to detect a lot of standard configurations.
  • My typical advice is always pick what's right for you, not just because someone else at a different company said that they do things a certain way. 
  • If there's a developer that's not doing any testing at all for mobile because it hasn't been a fit for them, I think making some progress is really valuable. Getting that first test set up. Whatever it is, just get that first test set up because you'll find that you'll naturally … It helps remove that first barrier, so that next week when you're working on a feature, add a test for that, and a feature after that, add a test for that, and you slowly build up this portfolio of tests that would otherwise probably seem really challenging to build up a really great portfolio. 
  • There's a really cool app called AppDiff that's made by an ex-Googler, that used to do some really heavy hitting stuff over there.
    What he's come up with is this tool will actually run the previous version of your code, and the new version of your code that you're committing, and it will do a visual diff of all of the screens, and it will point out all of the differences. 5
  • People are getting better and better at replacing us humans.


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