Master Automation Testing with Free Expert-Led Courses

TestGuild's automation testing courses are brought to you by industry leaders - highlighting key principles, core concepts, and relevant info about some of the best software tools & services out there.
These courses also lay out the powerful capabilities of these cutting-edge
tools (open-source & premium) with step-by-step instructions for setup and/or execution of pre-defined goals.
Join us to make informed decisions about your team's current needs and
improve your day-to-day test automation efforts.
Register for FREE instant access to the test tool course of your choice.
Image depicting a "Playwright + AI Course" with three men in varied poses next to illustrated graphics, including a person with a laptop and icons representing software and theater.

Free New Course!

Begin your automation journey with the free Playwright course by Igor Dorovskikh and Vasyl Shpak from Engenious University, perfect for all skill levels. Dive into hands-on learning, AI-driven insights, and an engaging community, covering everything from setting up Playwright in Visual Studio Code to implementing Page Object Model with TypeScript.

A promotional banner for "develops continuous test automation bootcamp" featuring headshots of five professionals and a "register for free" button.

Free New Course!

Delivering modern applications requires fast release cycles in high-functioning CI/CD practices.But as you deploy CI/CD pipelines, how do you improve your testing capabilities to enable rapid software delivery and optimize DevOps? This Boot Camp will present the foundation for anyone looking to implement modern test automation for application development.

Other Free Courses

Karate API Testing Course | Test Guild

Hands-On Guide to API Testing with Karate

API Testing And API Performance Testing With Karate

Test the Untestable Using the Power of API Simulation

Learn Game Test Automation Webinar

Video Game Test Automation Course

AI + Automation

Making The Move To Automation w/ Kobiton

Test Management for DevOps

SELENIUM 4 Quickstart

Accessibility Testing

Performance Exploration For Testers

How To Run Native Frameworks With Kobiton