Master DevOps Test Automation

Insider Secrets for Creating Quality DevOps Pipelines

Are you ready to supercharge your software development process? Dive into our exclusive ebook, "Building a Real-World DevOps Pipeline: A Step-by-Step Playbook," and transform how you deliver software. Based on insights from industry experts Lucas Mariani and Javier Re, CEO of Crowdar, this comprehensive guide reveals:

✅ Hidden techniques to seamlessly integrate quality checks and security scans
✅ Insider tips on automating functional and performance testing
✅ Expert strategies for leveraging top open-source tools like SonarQube and GitLab

3D rendering of a book titled "TestGuild Playbook DevSecOps Quality Pipelines." The cover features two men, one pointing upwards and the other smiling, with tech-themed graphics and logos in the background.

Understand the Basic Pipeline Structure

Proven methods to become a DevOps "rock star" test automation engineer

Security and Performance secrets for unparalleled test coverage in your pipelines

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Expert Contributors

We are trusted by the world’s biggest brands related to our industry. Read more about our success stories

A stylized fox head logo in shades of orange and red, resembling a geometric design with sharp angular features.

Jonathon Wright

“In the webinar that we just ran, we had the promotion through Joe’s newsletter and we actually got 30% of all registrants.

I was like, "We need to partner more with Joe."”

A stylized fox head logo in shades of orange and red, resembling a geometric design with sharp angular features.

Lee Barnes

Joe's service is outstanding. He setup a virtual event with over 1,000 attendees in a matter of days, and built an amazing online experience for the event attendees.

A stylized fox head logo in shades of orange and red, resembling a geometric design with sharp angular features.

Fernando Mattos

Working with Joe and Stephanie has been an absolute pleasure!

Their industry knowledge, professionalism, and ease of work made all the difference for our team.

Get Started Right Away With Creating Quality Real World DevOps Pipelines!

A smartphone screen displaying a bearded man in glasses raising his index finger, with text overlay reading "PLAYBOOK", "DESECOPS QUALITY PIPELINES", and a "Testudo" logo at the top.