Software Testing

BPT ALM 11 Change BPTWrapperTest and DataTable issues

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Honestly, performance for BPT test in QTP/QC 10 stinks! Because of this HP changed the way they implemented BPT in ALM/QC11. In QC 10 every single component that is in a BPT test has to be downloaded separately and run. If you have a script that contains many components the performance of the test becomes incredibly slow.

What is the BPTWrapperTest

In ALM/QC 11 there is a new feature named “BPTWrapperTest” that takes a BPT test, downloads all its components, and generates a single QTP “BPT Wrapper” test to run. This change helps avoid the BPT performance issue seen in QC10. Due to this change, some DataTable functionality may break when running BPT in ALM11.

BPT Issue:

Two sheets are created for each component – a Global and a Local that is the same name as the component. So when the BPTWrapperTest runs the name of the component for the data table is changed from something like YouComponentName to YourComponent [COMPONENT_SCRIPT]

 To Resolve:

  • Fix the statement Environment(“TestName”) to Environment(“ActionName”)
  • For DataTable issues fix the statement DataTable.Value(“ColA”) to either
    • DataTable.Value(“ColA”, Enviroment(“ActionName”))
    • DataTable.LocalSheet.GetParameter(“ColA”)
    • DataTable.LocalSheet.GetParameter(“ColA”)ValueByRow(x)


This sucks is there a way to turn off the new BPT Wrapper feature?

Yes – to turn off the new BPT Wrapper option change the following registry key:

On the machine where you are running your tests:

  • Click on Start run and type regedit
  • Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mercury Interactive\TestDirector\BPT
  • Change the following registry key value to:
  • “UseBPTWrapperTest”=”N”
  • If the registry value is not present add a new String Value and name it: UseBPTWrapperTest

  • Set the value to: N


* FYI some of the Info in this article was taken from HP Document ID KM1108518

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