Automation Testing

How to install HP’s Unified Functional Testing 11.50

By Test Guild
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In this post we are going to take a look at how to install HP's Unified Functional Testing (UFT 11.50). Hopefully with this info you will be able to have a smooth install of UFT.

Where to get Unified Functional Testing 11.50

UFT 11.5 can be installed from either:

  • HP's UFT site

  • HP's Downloads'>Software Updates site.

From the HP UFT Site you can grab an eval copy of UFT:

From the HP's Download>Software updates site you can get HP Unified Functional Test 11.5 under the Application Lifecycle Management Center section:

FYI: The file size is 2.64 GB

Things to know before you install UFT 11.5

  • If you are upgrading from either QTP 9.5 and up or Service Test 10.00 and up, the install will automatically uninstall any older version of QTP of ST and replace with UFT. If you have older versions of either produce you must manually uninstall them before installing Unified Function Testing.
  • You need to have admin privileges on the machine you are installing on
  • You need to have a supported version of IE installed. Not sure check out my post on UFT Support Matrix
  • Make sure you have all your license info
  • During the install you are giving an option to install UFT Feature of the Service Test run-time only, make sure you do not select HP Service Test Run Time. The HP Service Test Run time should only be installed when you want to have ST on a machine where ST test can run and do not need to be edited
  • If you plan on using UFT 11.50 with ALM 11.50 your ALM administrator has to install the ALM Integration Enablement Pack on the server for the two to work together.
  • UFT supports the Sentinel RMS License Manager version 8.4.0 as its concurrent license server. Earlier versions of the concurrent license server are not supported.
  • To work with .NET 4.0, .NET 4.0 must be installed before you install UFT
  • If you previously had QuickTest 11.00 installed on your computer and you had installed one of the patches or hotfixes that added support for working with the Google Chrome browser (QPTWEB00088 or another Chrome-related patch or hotfix), then you must delete your user profile in the Chrome browser before you can use UFT to test applications in Chrome.

UFT Install Time

Once you are ready to install UFT 11.50 begin the following steps:

  • Locate your UFT.5 install. If the install is an .ISO file you can use a tool like Virtual CloneDrive to view the files and run from. You could also7-zip to right-click on the .iso file to extract all the files for you.

  • Dbl click on setup.exe

  • At the main install splash screen select the Unified Functional Testing Setup

    If you receive a message “The current installation will uninstall the following product(s) from your machine… Do you want to continue with the installation?” Click Yes

  • On the Welcome screen click the Next> button

    • On the License Agreement screen click “I agree”. Click Next>

    • Fill-in your Name and Organization on the Customer Information screen. Click Next>

    • Select your add-ins from the Custom Setup dialog

    • Choose where you want to install to. Click Next

    • Click Next> on the Confirm Installation

    • UFT 11.5 will being to install (this may take a few minutes to complete)

    • You should get the message “successfully installed” message when the install completes

    • Click run on the ‘Additional Installation Requirements” dialog

    • Select your license type:
      • Seat – a seat license is specific to your computer. On a machine that has never had UFT installed on before you get a 30-days demo period. During the demo period you need to contact HP to get a permanent seat license by providing your machines Locking code:
      • Concurrent: If you have a UFT licensing server setup choose this option and enter your licensing servers ip or name
    • You should reboot your machine after the install. After you reboot you should now have in your Start>Programs an HP Unified Functional Testing menu option

    More UFT 11.50 Post

    Sweet – I'll be posting more on the new features of UFT 11.50 so be sure to check back at!

  1. Hi there,
    I am trying to install the UFT 11.50 version for evaluation on a Windows 2008 R2 server. But I am not able to run it in the trail mode at all. When I launch the HP Unified Functional Testing app it asks for a license server. During installation I never got the screen for selection of license type either. My question is can we install a trial version of UFT 11.50 on a Windows 2008 machine? If yes then how? How I can change the setting for the UFT to work in trail mode? Note I have been able to install this on a Windows 7 machine successfully and run UFT in trial mode(I didn’t run the License installation wizard there as per one post I read at internet later). However same steps doesn’t work on Windows 2008. I am now thinking may be this is a server machine that is why I can’t run trial version? Please comment.


  2. Hi Vikas,

    had the same problem and found no solution for it. Not only the evaluation mode but generally the seat license mode does not seem to be available on Win 2008 R2 server. Setting the compatibility mode (e.g. Win XP) on the UFT shortcut also does not solve the problem. You may try to set the compatibility option while installing the UFT but I am not sure it will help.

    Best regards & good luck,

  3. dean » Hmm –I found a Windows Server R2 Standard machine to test on and I was able to install without issues. The only difference is that I used a concurrent license. Let me try as a standard licenses and I’ll let you know what I find.

  4. Hi All,
    I have the same issue. I have a seat license and I cannot install it on a Windows 2008R2. It supports only Concurrent License.

    Any Help ?

  5. Dali » From HP’s KB article KM1308370:

    While launching QuickTest Professional below error appears:

    (Using seat license) “The license server does not have a valid QuickTest Professional license”.
    (Using concurrent license) “This machine does not have a valid QuickTest Professional License”


    Wrong usage of license on Windows Server (2003, 2008)

    On Windows Server operating systems, using QuickTest Professional (QTP) and seat licenses is limited:

    + QTP 10 installed on Windows Server 2003 allows usage of seat licenses only when NOT using Remote Desktop or Terminal Services

    + QTP 10 does not support usage of seat licenses under Windows Server 2008

    + QTP 11 does not support usage of seat licenses under Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008

  6. Hi,

    I have licensed version of QTP11.0. now i want to upgrate it to UFT11.5. Can i do without paying additional cost. or again i need to purchase the license for UFT11.5..Please suggest

  7. Hi Joe,
    I want to pass the data from ALM Resource Data table for UFT 11.5 API test, I have tried and unable to pass the data from ALM , so please let me know the process

  8. murty » Generally– no –there should not be an additional cost as long as you have a valid maintenance contract. Just be aware that the API piece might not be available (without paying more) if you don’t currently have a Service Test license. Since I don’t know what kind of license agreement your company signed with HP your best bet is to contact HP to verify.

  9. Hi,
    I am trying to Install uft 11.5 on window7. I follow all the steps ,what you mention on the site.But still uft11.5 shown me a error message for a License installation. I a, trying to download trail version. and after installing the uft, i am select seat License click next, then sceen shown do you want install the icense i clcik No<next message shown License succesfully installed. Please Restart the Application for better effects. I did that. Still ask me a License when i open UFT.
    Please guide me.


  10. Navdeep » Sometimes this happens when a previous eval version of QTP/UFT has already been intalled on the machine. Has this machine ever had an eval version of QTP installed on it?

  11. Hi,
    We use QC Enterprise 11.0 and QTP 11.0. I’m thinking about using UFT 11.5 insteed QTP. What license on license server 11.0 is nessacary to be able to using mobile testing feature in UFT 11.5?
    Ch. Joseph

  12. Ch. Joseph » Not sure what license you would need for the mobile piece. HP UFT basically uses the technology that perfecto mobile developed. You should contact HP . HP’s UFT mobile site does have HP contact info and a chat live feature that might be able to get you the info you need. Does anyone else know how HP is licensing their UFT 11.5 mobile testing add-in?

  13. Hey Joe,

    Any i dea what are the steps to be performed for clean uninstall of UFT 11.50 from my system. I had installed a eval version on system and its expired. So no point having it there.

    Thanks in Advance.

  14. Hi Joe,

    I am playing with QTP and I am having issues. I was having the Exception message is: Element not found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002802B (TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND)) issue and Manually create an empty file called “AnalogTrackList.dat” under the “Action1” folder to fix the problem.
    HP is working a fix to be included on the next Service Pack for UFT 11.5, for which there is not ETA. have you heard?

    This fixed the problem I was having but then I recieved the following error: Failed to create running thread. Seems that this is not a very app? Do you reccomend I stop playing and wait to the fix or just keep going with the troubleshooting???

  15. Hi Joe Colantonio…

    I’m facing a problem with UFT 11.5, initailly when i dowloaded trial Version and installed it, i forgot to add Java Plug-in and once i realise i need that, i tried adding Java Plug-in by Control-Panel–>UFT–>Change–>selected Java plug-in but when i click next, it is saying that it can’t find Unified_Functional_Testingx86.msi Installation Package Please through some light into this problem.

    Thanks in Advance

  16. Abhinav » What happens if you dbl click on the UFT setup.exe again? You should get an option to modify the existing install than you can select the missing add-ins from the add-ins window.

  17. I am trying to run a trial version of UFT11.5. When I create simple API test to replace a string using string manipulation function, I am not able to view the run results. I get a pop up message saying
    “There is no report available” when I run the whole API test. However the step runs ok if use the Run Step option.

    This happens only with API tests and not with GUI tests.

    Can you please tell me the reason for this?

  18. Hi All

    I was able to resolve this problem by running UFT as administrator. Maybe the problem occurred because of my company’s group administrator policy. So I am good now.


  19. “During the demo period you need to contact HP to get a permanent seat license by providing your machines Locking code:”
    Could you please be more specific? Who exactly I should contact to, get a permanent license? (link, phone number etc.)
    BTW: Previously I tried to contact their customer service and even got a call back (a month later) but the preson on the line was so helpless. She couldn’t answer to any of my questions… I still don’t know why she called me…?

  20. Can we check the API test feature of UFT 11.5 with the 30 days temporary license?

  21. Hi Joe. Could you please assist us with downgrading from UFT 11.5 back to QTP 11

    Your help will be much appreciated

  22. You need to sign up for the perfectomobile piece at an additional cost. You can then download the ‘mobile testing’ add-in for QTP and setup a login for the Perfectomobile site, which basically hosts the Perfectomobile site/tool inside QTP. So basically it’s integrating the existing perfectomobile interface that you see on their site into the QTP tool, and enabling advanced scripting through QTP which Perfecto does not support themselves.

  23. Thank you, Joe, for this video! You just resolved 2 issues I am having with 1 video! Check is in the mail!


  24. i am getting licence validating . . . Error message. Seat licence. Windows 7 32 bit. Uft11.5

  25. Hi Joe!
    I had the same “no report available” error when I run the basic API test (at the beginning of the API tutorial). Win7 PRO, UFT 11.52 Build 0467. Using a Demo License.
    Running the app as Administrator resolved the issue.
    You saved the day, once more.

  26. Hi,

    I am getting below error message while installing UFT.
    “Error attempting to open the source file” QTP 11.5\QTP115\Unified Functional Testing\MSI\TARGETDIR\Data\resources\image\BitmapResources\BitmapResources-data\Icons.16*16.FormsDesigner.CenterHorizontally.png
    System error code: 3

    Could you please help me.

  27. This is what I would try first. On the machine where you have UFT installed try:

    Right Click on IE and start the browser as an administrator
    Navigate to your ALM instance and let it download the ALM ActiveX controls
    make sure that you have installed the “HP Quality Center Connectivity” and the UFT add-in
    If that doesn’t work I also find installing the “HP ALM Client Registration” add-in solves alot of these types of issues

    Hope this helps you

  28. pls same thing happened to me. But i think i have installed it b4. Pls what should i do

  29. Hi Joe, We Installed UFT 11.5 on Win 7 (32-bit machine), 4GB RAM, but when we are launching the UFT 11.5 from Programs, it shows up initial launch screen and disappears and UFT 11.5 application does not show up and also we do not see UFT.exe in Task Manager. Can you please help us to identify and fix the issue?

  30. Thanks for your response Joe, we have service pack 2 and still it does not launch, it never started, I tried using ‘Run as administrator’ still the same issue.

  31. Hi Joe
    Does anyone know how to just purchase QTP with no UFT malarky….
    Find it nuts that you have to purchase a whole unnecessary tool to get to use QTP…

  32. Well it depends on what you are calling UFT. QTP had been renamed to UFT so if you just want was use to be called “QTP” you could get a license for UFT without the API scripting license. But you still would have to deal with the new interface.

  33. Hi,
    i have installed UFT 11.5 trial version now it got expired, then i have uninstalled and installed again but it showing error so plz help me out of this i cant buy it i want to use trial version for at least one month plz………….

  34. Hi Joe,

    When I try to install UFT in Windows XP SP3
    I am getting below error message .
    Source file not found
    “Error attempting to open the source file QTP115\Unified Functional Testing\MSI\TARGETDIR\Data\resources\image\BitmapResources\BitmapResources-data\Icons.16*16.FormsDesigner.CenterHorizontally.png ”

    Could you please help m

  35. I appreciate to provide this excellent platform for Testing Community.
    Regarding UFT 11.5 download, I have been coming across a problem, which is driving me nut. I have already installed microsoft visual c++ 2005 SP1 redistribution package, but every time message popoup,” missing microsoft visual c++ 2005 SP1runtime components”
    Is there any solution for this?

  36. Hi Vikas,

    I had a same problem installing the UFT 11.50 trial version in server machine . Could you please share how you are solved the issue (with out licence )..


  37. I installed QTP 11.5 on my machine Windows 7.
    It’s GUI launching but when i try to launch API it shows error message that “HPFlights_service.exe has stopped working”

    Pls help.

  38. Hi – not sure I understand the issue. You installed UFT 11.5 and you are able to create a new GUI Test but when you try to create an API test you get an error message about the Flight API sample application– is this correct?

  39. Hi Joe,
    Please help me out on this.
    I am trying to integrate UFT 11.52 with ALM 11.0. Both UFT and ALM are residing in different machines. Please help me out on the following,
    1. Can we integrate UFT and ALM residing in two different servers?
    2. Can we carry out the entire automation process from ALM in the aforementioned scenario?
    3. If yes, please help me out with the procedure.

    Thanks in advance,

  40. Joe. thanks for your time in putting up this article.

    Post installation, when i click on the icon, i get install license & cancel whereas, in your screen I see install license & connect.

    Could you please help in fixing this?

  41. Hi Joe,

    If we want to install the UFT 11.5 trail version on the client machine do we need to install the appl server and database server on the same machine? if we want to select the .net addin what should be the procedure?
    Please let me know…. Thanks in advance..

  42. Not sure I understand the question. UFT needs to be installed on the same machine where you will be testing the application. So it will not work against something like running a browser thru RDP. What are you trying to test?

  43. Hi
    I have installed UFT 11.5 in windows 7.
    When i clicked in New GUI Test i am getting below error-

    An unexpected error occurred.
    Click ‘OK’ to close this message. You may be able to continue working, but note that this workflow may cause the error to occur again.Click ‘Details’ to display technical details on this error which may help you solve the problem, or can be used when contacting customer support.
    Exception of type: System.InvalidCastException.
    Please suggest.

  44. I am trying to integrate UFT 12.0 with ALM 11.0. I’m trying to upload solution file(GUI test and API Test) of UFT 12.0 to ALM . Please help me out on the same.

  45. Hi,
    I have installed hp uft 11.50.
    Is possible to change the navigator to Chrome for this version?

  46. Joe,
    Please help! Hit a Brick Wall with the HP Silent Install version 11.5

    I am trying to automate the installation of HP QTP.UFT v11.5 using a silent install on Win2008 R2 Server virtual instance/
    I have created a Powershell script that mimics what the included UFTSilentInstaller.bat does.

    There were a few problems with some of the pre-requisites installing, however I have managed to fix those.

    The last step the script does is to install the licences.

    The script in the bat file is as follows:
    if defined PROGRAMFILES(X86) set MSI_TARGETDIR=%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\HP\Unified Functional Testing

    pushd “%MSI_TARGETDIR%\bin”

    set CMD=”%MSI_TARGETDIR%\bin\UFTInstallReqs.exe” /silent:c:%LICENSE_SERVER%
    echo Installing Unified Functional Testing additional requirements…

    Running this from a command prompt works fine, but the kicker is when I run the following command
    “C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\Unified Functional Testing\bin\UFTInstallReqs.exe” /silent:c:

    from powershell I receive the following message:

    The DCOM-registration tool is not found. Do you want to locate it?
    The License Wizard was not found. Do you want to locate it?

    Are there any parameters I can include to point to the wizard path.
    The Wizard is in the correct folder

    What am I missing that prevents this from running silently when run from powershell.
    I am executing the UFTInstallReqs.exe from the folder in wwhich it is located, in other words I am doing a
    Push-Location and then a Pop-Location to change to tha doirectory.

    Any help would really be appreciated

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