Automation Testing

Selenium IE 10 JavaScript Stack Trace Information Error

By Test Guild
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I just wanted to share this information with anyone that may be having the same issue. I know it's probably not a common issue, but if you work in a big organization like I do and are forced to support older IE browsers, this post may save you some headaches and time.

Issue IE10 JavaScript Error

When I try running my Selenium test against IE10, I get this odd error for all my tests:

“JavaScript error (WARNING: The server did not provide any stack trace information) error.”

Like I said, my application has to support IE10 — even though Microsoft doesn't even support it anymore. So upgrading to IE 11 was not an option. After trying everything I could think of I finally found the issue.

It seems that Selenium Internet Explorer Driver Server and IE 10 version 10.0.9200.17148 don't play well together. I tried numerous IEDriverServer.exe versions to see if it was a driver version issue but had the same issue regardless of which IEDriverServer I used. (FYI: I ended up using version

Workaround for Selenium IE10 Issue

Since Microsoft doesn't support IE 10 anymore I had a heck of a time finding another IE 10 version that I could test to see if the version made a difference.

Luckily I was able to get my hands on IE 10 version 10.0.9200.17183. When I installed this version and reran my tests all the JavaScript error messages went away.

On the off chance that you are also experiencing this issue, I've save the IE10 installed in my Downloads section so you don't have to go hunting the internet to find a copy.

Hope this helps someone!

~Cheers Joe

{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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