Professional Red Teaming with Joe Vest

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About this Episode

Compliance, best practices, and regulation drive security programs. These programs pass audit and compliance checks, have robust patch management, and even conduct vulnerability and penetration testing assessments. How do you know if these programs can protect against real threats?  In this episode, Joe Vest co-author of the book Red Team Development and Operations shares his thoughts and real-world guidance. Discover how professional red teaming can bridge the gap between security program design and implementation to truly show how robust a security program can stand up a real threat.

About Joe Vest

Joe Vest Headshot

Driven by his curiosity, perseverance, and passion for technology, Joe Vest's mantra for his work and teaching is: “The journey of gaining experience can be as valuable as the end result.” Author of  Red Team Development and Operations Joe has 17 years of experience in red teaming, penetration testing, and application security. Experience ranges from authoring the Red Team Development and Operations book, technical lead for a DOD red team, owning and operating a security consulting company, to a former director at SpecterOps. This diverse experience has given him extensive knowledge of cyber threats, tools, and tactics, including threat emulation and threat detection.

Connect with Joe Vest


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