
27: Marcel de Vries : Test Automation with CodedUI – TestTalks

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Test Automation with CodedUI

Do you need to automate both browser-based and window- based applications? Not sure which tool to use? I think one of the most overlooked tools for test automation is Microsoft CodedUI.

In this episode Marcel de Vries, author of the PluralSight Course Test Automation with CodedUI, will help you discover all the reasons why CodedUI might be the perfect tool for you to use in the creation of your automation awesomeness.

Marcel de Vries


Marcel spends most of his time helping organizations build Enterprise Applications and implementing Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) practices and tooling. Marcel works for a new startup company called Xpirit that provides premium consulting services on ALM, Cloud, enterprise mobility and Security. His job title there is Chief Technical Manager (CTO).

As CTO Marcel spends most of his time looking at how new emerging technologies can help organizations build better quality software and do this is a more productive way. Marcel has a passion for learning new technologies and teaching the things he learned on the way when applying technology to solve business problems. Marcel works as a consultant in the field of Application Lifecycle Management, Cloud application architectures and Cross platform Enterprise Mobile app development.

Marcel writes for websites and magazines like: MSDN, The Architecture journal and local magazines like SDN Magazine. Marcel is a frequent speaker at industry conferences like Microsoft TechDays, Visual Studio Live!, Microsoft Tech Ed and local user group events.

Marcel also spends a lot of time teaching topics like Visual Studio ALM, Windows Workflow Foundation, Xamarin Mobile app development and Web development.

In his spare time he is also an authors of online courses at Pluralsight. Marcel is awarded by Microsoft the Microsoft ALM MVP award and is also a Microsoft Regional Director.

Quotes & Insights from this Test Talk

  • TestTalks is now sponsored by Sauce Labs! Sign up for a free trial at saucelabs.com
  • CodedUI is Microsoft test technology for test automation for the window platform.
  • You can automate WPF, Windows PresentationFoundation add-ins, Windows Forms application, Windows 32 applications. mobile applications and of course browser based automation in IE and Chrome and Firefox with Selenium plugin.
  • CodedUI is an API that you can program against using Visual Studio and languages like Visual Basic and C#
  • Currently you need Visual Studio Professional 2010 and above to use CodedUi
  • Use the page object pattern to create reusable test automation objects
  • Page object should be part of a developers definition of done
  • Once you understand the CodedUI API it is really easy to use to create automated tests
  • Try to avoid UI test as much as possible
  • How to handle pesky managers that insist on created all automated test as UI tests only
  • When writing your test code make sure to follow the same development principles like single responsibility.
  • And  much, much more!


Connect with Marcel

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