
124: Selenium 3.0 and Beyond : What You Need To Know

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Selenium 3.0 and Beyond - What You Need To Know

I’d like to make a big announcement! It was announced late last week that Selenium 3.0 has been officially released. This is huge.

In this week’s episode, I’ll break down everything you need to know about Selenium 3, as well as give you a glimpse into Selenium’s future. After listening, you will know how Selenium 3 will impact your automation efforts, as well as some things to watch out for — so don’t miss it!

Quotes & Insights from this Test Talk

  • Selenium CORE included the originally pieces of selenium that was based on Selenium m RC. Selenium CORE is a pure JavaScript implementation and was fine back in the day before you started to have to deal with issues like Ajax.
  • The Selenium Server is needed in order to run Remote Selenium WebDriver. Selenium 3.X is no longer capable of running Selenium RC directly, rather it does it through emulation and the WebDriverBackedSelenium interface
  • Leg-RC was created to help you migrate from Selenium RC to the new WebDriver API so a least you can compile your test and get them running but you will not be a able to create new tests using Selenium RC with the latest version of Selenium 3.0
  • When W3C standard is accepted Browser Vendors own their own Drivers! So implementing goes from open-source group to the companies that are most familiar with the way the browsers work. Enable to create their own implementation to integrate into the browser in a way that anyone outside of those browser vendors would be able to do.


May I Ask You For a Favor?

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