Automation Testing

How to Keep UFT/QTP Open after Running from ALM

By Test Guild
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I've received multiple emails over the years asking me “Is there an option to keep UFT open even after running from Quality Center or ALM?” Rather than send an individual reply to these types of questions, I decided to create a quick resource post to address them.

The short answer is yes, this can absolutely be done. But by default, when QC/ALM opens UFT on a remote machine when it's running a test, it will close UFT at the end of that test run session.

I think HP designed it that way so that if you had a pool of floating licenses, UFT would release the license as soon as the test run session is over, but when UFT stays open it holds on to the license. Just keep that in mind if you have limited floating licenses, before setting all your execution machines to run and leave UFT open.

Force UFT to stay open after running from ALM

To make QTP of UFT stay open after running from an ALM test set, you simply need to change a setting that can be found in one of the more overlooked pieces of UFT/QTP – the Remote Agent.

Remote Agent Settings

The Remote Agent enables you to view or modify the settings that UFT/QTP uses when you run tests from ALM.

  • To keep UFT open after running from ALM, navigate to your UFT machine's system tray area.

*If you don't see the Remote Agent icon in your system tray, you can start it by selecting it from Start > All Programs > HP Software > HP Unified Functional Testing > Tools > Remote Agent. After you start it, the Remote Agent should open and display the Remote Agent icon in your task bar tray.

  • Right click on the Unified Functional Testing Remote Agent running and select Settings.

  • Under the Remote Agent Settings dialog, click on the Keep UFT open after a Test Lab run session ends option.

  • Now when you run from ALM, The QTP/UFT IDE will stay open.


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