Automation Testing

Another Reason why HP sucks

By Test Guild
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I just received a cease and desist email from HP threatening legal action if I don't take down my HP patches section. As a result, I'll no longer be able to provide you with HP patches for any of their products. Going forward, if you need an HP patch you'll need to contact them directly at HP support:

No More HP Patches on

I have deleted my HP Downloads section and removed my HP Patches link from

Open Source Tool Alternatives for QTP, UFT, LoadRunner and UFT API

If you are on this page because you were looking for support patches or support matrix for QTP, UFT, Service Test or Loadrunner you're out of luck.

Here are some open source alternatives that you should check out to avoid vendor issues like this:

HP's support site stinks

I apologize for the fact that I'll no longer be able to help you with these issues. Good luck in dealing with HP support, which is notorious for its poor service and their user-UNfriendly support site.

Have I hit the big time?

I still haven't decided whether to be happy or annoyed about this –happy about the fact that HP thinks (Now TestGuild) is big enough to threaten legal action against, or annoyed that they're dumb enough to get uptight about free assistance in getting their patches in the hands of the people that need them.

More Open Source Post on TestGuild

Regardless, it's just another example of why I get HP QTP hate mail from people on a regular basis. It's also one more reason why I plan to focus my blog more on open-source tools like Selenium going forward.

Tell me what you think

Do you agree or disagree with this action by HP? Tell me what you think by leaving a comment below. Maybe if I get enough feedback in my favor HP will rethink this policy

HP's cease and desist email

Here is the email I received:

Dear Sir:

It has come to our attention that a website that you own and operate,,is making deliberate and unauthorized use of Hewlett-Packard Company's (“HP”) copyrighted materials by offering a variety of HP software patches, as shown by the following URLs: (<–Sorry HP's legal department forced me to take this down)

By posting this material on your website you are infringing HP's copyrights. HP requests that you remove this copyrighted material immediately and delete it from your website. Links to the authorized HP portals such as must be used as the only method of offering HP copyrighted materials on your website in the future.

As one of the world's leading information technology companies, HP takes the protection of its intellectual property rights very seriously and will consider pursuing further remedies to protect our intellectual property rights if necessary.

HP requests that you immediately cease offering HP's copyrighted materials for sale and that you send a written confirmation of your compliance with these requests to my attention at the email address below no later than March 20, 2013.

While we are hopeful that this matter can be resolved amicably, please know that if necessary we will not hesitate to assert our intellectual property rights. HP, therefore, reserves all rights to take further action.

{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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