Automation Testing

How to run a .NET C# Test in Sauce Labs

By Test Guild
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I recently received the following email:

“I have gone through your video on How to run a Selenium Web driver test case with Sauce Labs but it was for Java. Can you please show [us] how to do the same using the Selenium C# .NET binding?” So today I'm going to show you how to run a C# Selenium script in Sauce labs.

For those of you that aren't aware, Sauce Labs is the exclusive sponsor of my TestTalks podcast. Accordingly, I have a special code you can use to get 20 hours of free automation! Check out my SauceLabs page for more info.

Getting Started with Sauce Labs C Sharp

  • First, log on to SauceLabs with your free account. (Check out my video on how to use my special SauceLabs promo offer.)

  • Under the Tools section, select the Getting Started button.


  • You'll be presented with three options:
    • Automated
    • Mobile
    • Manual

  • Select Automated

Now, all you need to do is follow this quick, four-step process:

Choose your language

  • For this example, I'll be using C#.NET, but Sauce Labs supports all the Selenium language bindings.
  • Select the C#.NET option.

Setup Your Project

Open up a new project in Visual Studio.

  • In the New Project screen, select a C# Class Library template.

  • Name the project ExampleSauce and click OK.
  • From the VST menu, choose Tools>Library Package Manager> Manage Nuget Package for Solution.
  • In the Manage NuGet Packages screen, enter Selenium in the Search packages field.

  • Click on the Install button for the Selenium WebDriver. Once it's installed, do the same for Selenium WebDriver Support Classes.
  • Next, search for Gallio and install Gallio & MbUnit.

  • And Gallio Bundle

  • Click Close in the Manage NuGet Packages window.

Start writing the C# tests

At the top under the using statements, add:

using Gallio.Framework;
using Gallio.Model;
using MbUnit.Framework;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Remote;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI;

  • In the RunInSauce project right before Class1, add the following:

[Header("browser", "version", "platform")]
[Row("chrome", "42", "Windows 7")]
[Row("chrome", "35", "linux")]

  • Under the Class1 section, let's add a method named SimpleTest and our test code. (This is for demonstration purposes only — there are better ways of doing this.)
[Test, Parallelizable]
public void SimpleTest(string browser, string version, string platform)
Uri commandExecutorUri = new Uri("");
DesiredCapabilities desiredCapabilites = new DesiredCapabilities(browser, version, Platform.CurrentPlatform);
desiredCapabilites.SetCapability("platform", platform);
desiredCapabilites.SetCapability("username", "yourseleniumusername");
desiredCapabilites.SetCapability("accessKey", "yourseleniumaccesskey");
desiredCapabilites.SetCapability("name", TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.Name);
var _Driver = new RemoteWebDriver(commandExecutorUri, desiredCapabilites);
// navigate to the page under test
// verify the page title is correct
Assert.Contains(_Driver.Title, "Selenium WebDriver Validation");
  • Right click on the ExampleSauce project and select Properties.
  • Click on Debug.
  • Click on Start external program and navigate to Gallio.Icarus.exe in your VST projects packages>GallioBundle.>bin directory. Mine was in:




  • Under the Command line arguments, enter the name of your namespace.dll

  • Click on F5 to build and debug the solution.
  • The Gallio Icarus runner will appear where you can run your tests.
  • Click on the Start button.

  • Your test should run and pass. You can tell by looking in the Gallio Test Report Execution Log tab:

  • You should also see the results when you login to Sauce Labs.

  • Clicking on each Session will bring up each individual run's execution results, where you can see step-by-step results and timings as well as video playback.


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