Automation Testing

How to Do a Clean Uninstall of QTP

By Test Guild
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Due to many reasons — such as a bad install –, you might need to completely uninstall QTP and reinstall it. Here are the steps to follow for a clean uninstall of Quick Test Professional.

Steps to Perform a Clean Uninstall of QTP

  1. First if you currently have a QTP seat license – you will need to back up your QTP's LSERVRC file. The LSERVRC file contains the license codes that have been installed. Whenever a new license is registered to a machine, the license code is automatically added to this file. This file is usually in the ‘Program Files\HP\QuickTest Professional\bin' folder. If not go to start/run and type %LSERVRC% in the open textbox:

  2. Open the file in notepad. To find the files directory – in notepad – click File>Save As and in ‘Save As' dialog click the ‘Save in' drop down. This will show you the file's path. Mine was in “D:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\HP\Functional testing\License“. Save the file to your desktop. If you are using a concurrent license you can skip this step.
  3. Navigate to control panel>add remove programs in XP or control panel>programs>uninstall a program in windows 7
  4. Find HP QuickTest Professional and in XP ‘Remove' and in Win7 ‘Uninstall'
  5. If you are using QTP with QC you want to also remove the ‘HP QuickTest Add-in for ALM-QC'
  6. Once QTP is uninstalled — delete any QTP directory still on your system, Usually the QTP directory is under Program Files\HP. Delete the ‘QuickTest Professional' folder and the ‘QuickTest Add-in For ALM-QC' if it exists. Caution: If you are saving QTP test locally, in this directory, make sure to backup the folder before deleting the QTP directory.
  7. Next remove all the QTP references in the registry. Go to start>run and type in regedit.
  8. Find the following keys in the registry and delete them:
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional

The above steps are usually all you need to do but there are a few more steps you might want to check just to be safe

  1. Look under your Windows\system 32 folder and make sure that the BHOManager.dll does not exist. If it does delete or rename it
  2. Look under your Windows\assembly folder and look for the following files. If they exist delete them:

    • Mercury.QTP.Agent
    • Mercury.QTP.CustomServer
    • Mercury.QTP.WpfAgent
    • policy.6.5.Mercury.QTP.CustomServer
    • policy.8.0.Mercury.QTP.Agent
    • policy.8.0.MngUtils
    • policy.X.X.Mercury.QTP.WpfAgent (“X” could 9.5 or 10.0. This item may appear repeated, just different version, so delete them all)

  3. Reboot your machine


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