New DevTest Community, DevOps Culture and More! TGNS81

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About This Episode:

Have you seen the new community designed to turn you and your teams into Software Development Superstars?

Want to know How to Build More Effective Relationships with Your Developers?

What are The Hidden Costs of Production Downtime?

Find out in this episode of the Automation in DevSecOps New Shows for the week of May 14th.

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This episode of the TestGuild News Show is sponsored by the folks at Applitools. Applitools is a next-generation test automation platform powered by Visual AI. Increase quality, accelerate delivery and reduce cost with the world’s most intelligent test automation platform. Seeing is believing, so create your free account now!

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Links to News Mentioned in this Episode


Time News Title News Link
0:19 Applitools FREE Account 
0:41 New Community – ShiftSync
2:26 Serenity/JS supports WebdriverIO 8
3:32 How to Build Relationships with Your Developers
4:59 WebDriver BiDi: update
5:51 Discover the future of AI functional testing
6:44 Automation Awesomeness Book Update
7:23 QA or the Highway
8:11 The Hidden Costs of Production Downtime
8:57 First CI/CD Solutionfor Software Supply Chain Security


[00:00:00] Joe Colantonio Have you seen the new community designed to turn you and your teams into software development superstars? Do you want to know how to build a more effective relationship with the developers? And what is the hidden costs of production downtime? Find out in this episode of the Automation and DevsecOps News Show for the week of May 15th. Grab your favorite cup of coffee or tea and let's do this.

[00:00:19] Joe Colantonio This episode is sponsored by the awesome folks at Applitools. Are you looking to take your automation projects to the next level? Look no further than Applitools and their visual AI validation testing platform. Trust me, it's a game-changer. Plus, you could try it yourself by creating a free account now. Just click on the special link in the comment down below and see the difference for yourself.

[00:00:41] Joe Colantonio Now first breaking news item. I'm excited to bring you the news of Tricentis latest innovation, a brand new community platform called SHIFTSYNC. This was designed with quality engineering enthusiasts mind and SHIFTSYNC is your hub of all things across the software development spectrum. So if you're a developer, tester, or DevOps specialist passionate about creating robust, secure end-to-end products and fostering high-performing development teams, SHIFTSYNC is waiting for you. This is a community that covers all aspects of the software development lifecycle from the code, performance, and security to the requirements, accessibility, and usability. Their vision is to foster high-quality standards throughout the entire software development lifecycle. It's really important nowadays with the high-speed world we live in, with development teams often grappling with limited time resources, and extra knowledge to deliver solid, secure products. I know a lot of teams really want to evolve to new test practices and discover innovative solutions, and that's why Tricentis created SHIFTSYNC. It's going to be an interactive space for developers, testers, and DevOps specialists to share insights, connect with peers and elevate the quality of your development process. This also going to be a very active discussion forum for seeking advice and finding answers to some of your most challenging questions. Have engaging educational videos, hands-on tutorials, and event recordings to keep you updated. I believe you're also going to have an Exclusive Events section featuring free training, masterclasses, and webinars tailored to their community and also comprehensive training and certification programs via the Tricentis Academy to help you elevate your skills to new heights. I highly recommend you join the SHIFTSYNC community now with the link down below and let me know what you think.

[00:02:26] Joe Colantonio In the latest open-source testing News SerenityJS the Open Source testing framework has just released a new version, so the new version 3.20 now includes the latest WebDriverIO V8. This significant update comes with SerenityJS initial support of WebDriverIO from its 2.30 version. For those unfamiliar with SerenityJS, it's a testing framework designed to accelerate acceptance and regression testing for complex software systems and it aims to make the process faster, more collaborative, and easier to scale. This integration of WebDriverIO is an essential step in this direction, enhancing the capabilities of the testing Suite. I'm also told this upgrade provides multiple benefits for WebDriverIO test suites, including in-depth test execution reports, live and documentation in the screenplay Pattern API, making your test code portable and reusable. So if you're using WebDriverIO, I highly recommend you check out SerenityJS using SerenityJS definitely check out WebDriverIO. I think your test suite is going to become a lot more awesome. Definitely check it out.

[00:03:32] Joe Colantonio And I also recently came across an Agile TD Zone conversation hosted by the awesome Tristan Lombard with Lisa Crispin, co-founder of Agile Testing Fellowship, and Larissa a senior IT executive and Quality Leader, discussing strategies to improve relationships and communications within software development teams. And drop a lot of tips and knowledge to help you enhance software quality and productivity within your teams. Why should you care about communication with the developers? Well, they point to a recent study that attributed poor communication to an annual loss of 1.2 trillion US businesses only nearly $12,506 per employee. The experts highlight the need to unlearn ineffective strategies such as maintaining a siloed approach to testing. And they also recommend promoting a mindset of bug prevention over detection and initiating early involvement and user stories to prevent conflicts. He also stressed the importance of shifting away from QA versus Dev approach and focusing on the overall value delivered to customers instead of merely counting test scripts or bugs found. And throughout the conversation, Lisa and Larissa emphasized the importance of encouraging a whole team transformation to a DevOps culture. And to dive into this really into detail. I highly recommend the full discussion for further insights. Thank you, Tristan, as always, for appointing this awesome resource out to me.

[00:04:56] Joe Colantonio When I was at in SeleniumConf this year, I got a chance to sit with some awesome people like Simon Stewart, who is a creator of Selenium Web Driver, and also Jim Evans. And they kept talking about WebDriver BiDi. Anytime I see WebDriver BiDi now, I bubble it up as something important I should listen to. And I think you should, too, as well. And that's where this next news item comes in. And so in a status update last week, Matthias reports on the advancements of WebDriver BiDi. If you don't know, it's a browser automation protocol that bridges the gap between the WebDriver Classic and Chrome DevTools Protocol and see interoperability. A web driver with the efficiency and power of CDP and a significant feature unlocked by WebDriver BiDi is logging support enabling automated verification of web pages loading without console logs. And definitely, check out the article for more info.

[00:05:51] Joe Colantonio Are you ready to explore the future of functional testing? Well, I have a webinar resource from yours truly at the TestGuild, and this is a webinar we are hosting on Opentext AI powered platform Value Edge. So you're going to discover how their trailblazing functional testing software is changing the game in test automation, whether you're already harnessing A.I. testing or just starting your automation journey. Our experts Lior and Chris Trimper, I've got you covered, so I invite you to join us on May 23rd to learn more about the latest innovations in Opentext Functional testing to see how A.I. is optimizing mining automation practices and get introduced to the Value Edge Functional test. I highly recommend you register for this event. And a lot of the innovations that have been going on with QFT, but you probably may not have seen it. If you haven't, I highly recommend you join because they are going to be pleasantly surprised.

[00:06:44] Joe Colantonio All right. I also want to give you a quick update on the status of my new book, Automation Awesomeness. And I just want to share with you the book cover. It's finalized, and I've uploaded to Amazon. I think it looks awesome and I'm really happy with the formatting of the book. Unfortunately, to do this on a Kindle version is very difficult, but the paperback and hardback versions have this awesome kind of graphic or theme throughout, which I think looks really cool. It makes the book even more engaging. If you haven't already, definitely click on the link down below and join the book launch team. I'm aiming for a May 30th launch.

[00:07:23] Joe Colantonio Maybe asking why May 30th for the book launch? Because I'm actually going to announce it from the stage at QA The highway. Are those that know me know that I don't speak in public often. It's usually always online, but this is my chance to give probably the first and only keynote I'm ever going to give. It's going to be a QA The Highway on May 30th I'm going to be doing the closing keynote. Really excited to meet Raj, finally face to face is during the opening keynote and it's going to have a great lineup of speakers that you definitely should check out. If you're in the area, I highly recommend you register for that down below and I'm going to be giving away. I'm going to order a hundred, maybe more. I don't know how many people would actually want the book, so I'm probably going to print out 100 books and then give them away for free at the event. Extra incentive to hopefully see you there.

[00:08:11] Joe Colantonio Do you know what the hidden costs of production downtime is? Well, I have an awesome resource for you to explain this in detail. Eran actually pointed this out to me. He's running a webinar that discusses strategy for maintaining a robust DevOps pipeline and minimizing mean time to resolution for production issues in the fintech sector. It doesn't have featured speakers like Thomas Haver from M&T Bank and Joe from Bank of Montreal, and then delve into the hidden costs of production downtime for the financial industry so the sessions can provide practical insights into handling downtime and end-user issues across cloud-native in legacy systems that impact on profitability and developer productivity. And it's by my friend Eran Kinsbruner so I highly recommend you check it out.

[00:08:57] Joe Colantonio And finally, I just wanted to close with the tool I think you're going to find very helpful for CI/CD for security. This is by OpsMx a leader in intelligence, continuous delivery, even build an industry's first continuous integration, continuous delivery solution or software supply chain security. And the solution offers prevention, and resolution in end-to-end traceability of every application and service delivery. It's set to enhance security posture management in line with NIST, Cybersecurity framework.

[00:09:28] For the links of everything we value, we covered in this News episode. Head on over to the links in the first comment down below. And while you're there, make sure to check out our awesome sponsor Applitools free account offer and discover to take your automation testing to the next level, Leveraging Visual A.I. That's it for this episode of the Test Guild News Show. I'm Joe, and my mission is to help you succeed in creating end-to-end full-stack full pipeline automation awesomeness. As always, test everything and keep the good. Cheers.

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