Unit Testing Principles, Practices, and Patterns with Vladimir Khorikov

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TestGuild Feature Vladimir Khorikov

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About This Episode

We all know that excellent testing practices will help maximize your project quality and delivery speed. In this episode, Vladimir Khorikov, author of Unit Testing Principles, Practices, and Patterns, shares his best practices for designing and writing unit tests. Even if you’re a tester and not a developer, you’ll need to listen in to know what to look out for when working with your scrum team. Don’t miss it!

About Vladimir Khorikov


Vladimir Khorikov is the author of the book Unit Testing Principles, Practices, and Patterns. He has been professionally involved in software development for over 15 years, including mentoring teams on the ins and outs of unit testing.

He's also the founder of the Enterprise Craftsmanship blog, where he reaches 500 thousand software developers yearly. He started as an adviser on general programming topics, but lately shifted his focus to unit testing with a central message of teaching software developers how to make unit testing painless.

Connect with Vladimir Khorikov

  • Blog: enterprisecraftsmanship
  • Twitter: @vkhorikov
  • Check out the book –>[here] GET 40% off using the code podguild19
  • Want a FREE pdf copy of the book Unit Testing Principles, Practices, and Patterns? Leave a comment below and Vladimir will choose the best 5.

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  1. Recently my testing organization has been struggling with defining the difference between the different layers of automated tests, specifically where unit tests stop and integration tests start. I loved the clarity with which Vladimir was able to describe the difference, and establish a clear border between the two (out of process == integration). Thanks guys! Another awesome discussion, helped me solidify a mental model for gumping the definition of the different test layers!

  2. Thanks for bringin more conversations about Unit Testing into the mix. I really feel like understanding unit testing instead of pushing it to a “dev task” helps one become better at strategizing their End-To-End tests. I’d love to check out this book

  3. This was a fantastic conversation. Our developers already do a good job at creating appropriate unit tests, and I know that this book will help us “up our game.” I expect that we all will learn a great deal about what will move us from “good job” to “great job.” That will definitely include improving our mocking and integration tests. Thanks, Joe, for introducing us to this important book!

  4. Great info and these pillars are super useful! I appreciate you setting the foundations to make solid and reliable unit tests. I also appreciate the sentiment of the ‘post-beginner’ information. I agree that we are flooded with beginner focused content and then left to fend for ourselves to get to the next steps that would support the proper expansion of these types of tests. Thanks for this podcast!!

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