In this episode, we’ll be Test Talking with Evan Wiley a Quality Engineer for a large financial company all about his experience on how to get that automation culture into sprint teams. So listen up to discover a whole bunch of real word experience around automation testing in action.
About Evan Wiley
Evan has been doing testing and test automation for five years at Capital One in a variety of different frameworks (eCuke Java, protractor to name a few). Throughout the years working here, Evan has enjoyed working with others on multiple different projects and growing through different skill set areas such as learning the front end at my current role. Evan has a high level of intellectual curiosity and always seeks to learn new technologies.
Quotes & Insights from this Test Talk
- When you first start I think when you are talking to different web developers or whomever you want to put it in terms that they understand. So if it's UI developer they would understand some of the concepts around okay this is our Dom HTML page and this is sort of like the layout of how you would go about looking at it and when you say different types of tags on the page like this is an H1 tag us. You kind of like go through a flow that they understand and then use you then you tell them how automation fits within that picture.
- I learn by doing so if you have other people who are willing to teach you, there is a lot that can be gained by learning from others within your own team.
- I've worked with developers and I've gone through these workshops with them they've actually shown me some things that I didn't know before like you know we refactored something to make it more cohesive. Both QA and developers come from different mindsets. There is always a prototypical QA and dev mindset, which can have a good context for QA associates to understand how developers work on stories as well.
- Applitools found this other defect where I was in the middle of transitioning to a new team. So I decided before I left to do just some hardening regression. And then when I was running the Internet Explorer using Applitols the regression failed. I went back to check on it. It was actually not even displaying the web page in Internet Explorer.
- I just think it'd be a valuable thing in the future just to have something that would be able to learn from you in it and it's kind of having another would say testing in your pocket but sort of like another thing to to be able to like leverage as you go along because you could possibly always have it running in the background in your production environment
- Having a QA mindset on the team that is known by everyone will act as if you have your own tester in your pocket you can pull out at any time. We can all develop the QA and developer mindset, but it does take time to develop both.
Connect with Evan Wiley
- Twitter: @testexcellence
- LinkedIn: evan-wiley
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