Israel Rogoza

Israel Rogoza

Israel Rogoza

Twitter: @I_Rogoza

LinkedIn: israelrogoza

An experienced QA & Professional Services Engineer with more than 7 years of enterprise software development and testing. For the last 3 years i am the QA Tech Lead at HPE Software responsible for the backend automation and manual testing of the StormRunner Load and LoadRunner load testing products, This role also includes Strong awareness and technical commitment to customer needs. Prior to HPE, I was a Professional Services team leader at NCR. I'm Highly experienced and have solid understanding of a diverse range of business management skills,I'm desire to be successful in any role.

Session - 5 Ways to Make Load Testing Work for You 

July 31 11-11:55AM

Load testing is a type of software testing used to examine the behavior of a system when subjected to both normal and extreme expected load conditions. As a subset of performance testing, load testing validates a system’s capacity. For example, how many users can perform concurrent transactions, how many orders an application can process per minute, and so on. Ideally, an organization should have the tools and technologies in place to handle even the most complex of these testing challenges. These tools should be able to simulate real-life user scenarios. As you test your system’s performance, what happens when it fails to meet your requirements? How can you improve your performance, and turn a faltering system into one that can deal with rapid change and challenges? It is important to recognize that when all the components of your system come together for the first time, even a small bottleneck or stability issue can destabilize the entire system. Cases like Target’s inability to handle an overload of Cyber Monday shoppers are all-too-common these days. The result is customer dissatisfaction and frustration, and hundreds of thousands of dollars of lost revenue. This is a real-life example of the importance of load testing. In this Session, we’ll discuss five ways you can simulate realistic load testing of your system, mitigate your risks, and create reliable, continuous and automated performance testing for a better and more efficient end user experience.

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