Titus Fortner

Titus Fortner

Twitter: @titusfortner

LinkedIn: titusfortner

Website: SauceLabs

Blog: http://watirtight.com/

Session Preview

  Titus Fortner is a core contributor to Selenium project and the maintainer of the Ruby bindings. He spends a significant amount of time writing open source testing software built on top of Selenium. He is the project lead for Watir and WatirProject, and is active in supporting these projects on Stack Overflow, message boards and in the Selenium Slack & IRC. Titus has implemented automated tests at five different companies and currently works at Sauce Labs as a Solution Architect, working with the community to facilitate testing best practices.

Session - Crafting a Test Framework

Jan 08 1-1:55PM

In this presentation Titus talks about the important considerations in crafting your test framework. In the course of working with various colleagues and just being loud and opinionated in general, he found myself in many different disagreements on what constitutes a best practice in this industry. As part of discussing framework components, he brings up 10 issues that smart people disagree on and give you insight into the things you need to know to make the right decisions for your company.