

Before Anything

This is an online event. Because you will be streaming audio and video live, you need at least 5 Mbps UPLOAD speed. Can you please confirm by running a speed test: https://www.speedtest.net/

Please let me know if this is an issue.

Also, whenever possible, use an ethernet connection, not WiFi.

Use The Test Guild Conference Branded Template

Speakers must use the Guild Conferences slide template for your conference type ==>http://rcl.ink/yHt

Checklist to follow before you start recording

  • Whenever possible, record with your monitor resolution set at 1980 x 1080. All videos (slides and demos) must be recorded in the following resolution: 1980 x 1080. Video quality must be 1980 x 1080, and file format should be .MP4
  • Speakers must Use the Guild Conferences slide template for your conference type ==>http://rcl.ink/yHt
  • Remember that some viewers will watch the conference on tablets, phones, and other devices. We want your text to be legible on all devices. For that reason, we recommend increasing the font size on all IDEs, text editors, and command lines to at least 16.
  • Disable system and application notification pop-ups
  • Make sure if you're using a laptop that it is plugged in
  • Make sure your camera is stable and not shaky
  • Meet the audio requirements listed below (DO NOT USE YOUR INTERNAL MICROPHONE)
  • Avoid using external speakers during LIVE Q&A. Have a pair of headphones instead. If you use external speakers, my voice will bleed thru into the audio.
  • Close email, Skype, IM, browsers, or anything else that may interrupt you
  • Turn off fans, A/C, other computers/servers in your recording room, or anything else that might “click on” and create background noise while recording
  • Clean up your desktop and taskbar

Guild Conference Format

So, what should a Guild Conference session video look like?

The first sessions should be user-based – not vendor sales pitches. Videos that are skewed toward a vendor sales pitch will not be accepted! (** Don't use a greenscreen unless you REALLY know what you are doing! Nothing looks worst and unprofessional **)

  • The first few minutes are just you talking to the camera about what you will show us.
  • Screen share showing a tool, technique, or tip to help attendees in their daily efforts (please turn your camera on during your session).
  • The Guild prefers hands-on, practical screen sharing of tips, tricks, and demos to help fellow engineers create better automation, testing, or game development over boring, high-level, philosophical PowerPoint slides. Of course, this is just good practice. If you are doing a more high-level presentation, then at least make the slides enjoyable :)
  • Also, since the videos are pre-recorded, speakers are encouraged to dive into the actual code to “show us,” not just “tell us” how something can be achieved. This will set us apart from a “live,” in-person conference — more in-depth with real, hands-on, screen-sharing-type demos. Once again, this varies depending on your topic.
  • The last few minutes should be you on camera wrapping up your session.
  • Since this is an online conference, you must have a quality microphone and video camera. Also, since we will be LIVE for QA, please make sure you join using a wired internet connection whenever possible.
  • The perfect video length is 25 minutes.

The more actionable the session content, the better. We aim for guild attendees to learn a tip, tool, technique, or best practice they can implement immediately to achieve results.


The Guild attendees have told me over the last seven years that they want Genuine Content Over Vendor Promotion. Multiple respondents of our yearly survey say they preferred genuine content, craftsmanship workshops, and practical sessions over vendor-specific content. They would appreciate less promotion and more genuine insights. Not saying you can't highlight your solution, but when doing so, try to include some takeaways that anyone can implement even if they are not using your tool/solution.

Recording software Suggestions

Speakers must have a quality microphone and video cam. (*These are just suggestions. You can use what you have, but here are some suggestions if you don't have anything yet.  Since I want to present guild speakers in the best possible light, I think you must have good audio and video quality)

Other Video Software Options

Software Cost OS Functions Pros Cons
Filmora Scrn $19.99 per year
$29.99 for lifetime license
PC, Mac Screen recording
Video editing
Lower cost Simple editing
Limited noise removal
OBS Free PC, Mac, Linux Screen recording Free
Automatically record with noise filters in iZotope RX Elements ($129)
Built-in decibel meter
Complicated to configure initially
Harder to record a screen region
Quicktime Free Mac Screen recording Free
Built in on Mac
Records at variable frame rate
Can’t capture only a screen region
Resolve Free PC, Mac, Linux Video editing Free
Fully featured
Efficient editing
Steeper learning curve
ScreenFlick $35 Mac Screen recording Lower cost
Capture screen, live video, and cursor in separate tracks
Only available on Mac
Vegas Movie Studio Platinum $79.99 PC Video editing Fully featured
Includes advanced audio filters
Steeper learning curve

Schedule a Recording Time

If you can't record independently, I can record your session in real time. To book a recording session, select a day and time that works for you from my calendar:




Examples of a Guild Session

Example of LIVE QA sessions

Where Uploaded Finished Recording

Upload your recorded session .MP4 here when you are done: https://testguild.com/dropbox