Anna Royzman

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Anna Royzman

Twitter: @QA_nna

Blog: qualityglobal

LinkedIn: anna-royzman

Conference testmastersacademy

Anna Royzman is the founder of Global Quality Leadership Institute, the non-profit organization, whose goal is to become the leading advocate for quality in technology through innovative educational programs. Test Masters Academy, an initiative that is envisioned and managed by Anna directly, organizes annual Test Leadership Congress (in the Spring) and ConTEST (in the Fall). Anna is a renowned international speaker and the recognized expert in Software Test Leadership. She held various test management roles for 14+ years, served as the Executive At Large on Association for Software Testing’s Board of Directors (2016-2017) as the President of AST Quality Leader SIG (2012-2014), and as the Software Test Professionals Community Advisory Board Member (2014-2015). Anna is the co-founder of NYC Testers and the founder of TMA's Leadership Series meetup.

Test Leadership - Roundtable Expert

Jun 20 4:30-5:10 PM(EDT)