Forte Group Prizes

Forte Group Prize Drawing Details. Fill out all fields in form down below.

2 prizes for days when we will have speaking sessions:

Amazon gift card - amazon gift card amazon gift card amazon gift card amazon gift card amazon gift card amazon gift card amazon gift card amazon gift card amazon.

Amazon gift card for 100$ - This prize will be drawn on the day of Lee’s speaking session: on February 6th.
Amazon gift card for 100$ - This prize will be drawn on the day of our Panel discussion: on February 8th.

A man standing in front of a whiteboard.

1) Enter to win a chance for a FREE Test Automation Readiness Assessment Are You Ready to Succeed with Test Automation? This prize will be drawn on the last day of the event on February 9th.

*Note the main prize will be drawn on the last day of the event on February 9th. Take your companies automation testing to the next level by enter to win a chance for a FREE Test Automation Readiness Assessment Are You Ready to Succeed with Test Automation!

*By submitting this form you are consenting to having this info shared with Forte Group. You can always unsubscribe. Also, we're not on speaking terms with spam. So we just totally avoid it now. ;)