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Currently creating test cases and test scripts for automation testing takes a lot of time and energy. It's a huge deterrent from either getting automation started for companies, keeping up with automation, or even switching over to a new framework. It often causes testing to become a bottleneck in software development. AI is coming in to change that landscape.

If any of the above sounds like it applies to you or your company, Autify Genesis may be able to help by partnering with you to make the test creation process easier and faster.

Learn about:

  • The current issue with software test creation
  • How Autify Genesis and other AI tools can help
  • The partnership between AI and Software Testers
  • Our roadmap and plans for the future

Learn more about Autify here.


Ryo Chikazawa

Ryo is the Co-Founder and CEO of Autify, an AI platform for software quality engineering. Autify graduated from Alchemist Accelerator, the top B2B startup accelerator in the US. Prior to Autify, he had more than 10 years of software engineering experience in Japan, Singapore, and the US (San Francisco). During that time, he realized that software testing is a huge common problem across the globe, which led to the inception of Autify.




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9:00 AM EDT

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