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Testing in a cloud and containerized world is often very difficult. One of the painful tasks that testers have to face is that once the containers are deployed, some of their APIs might remain accessible but others — the internal ones — are not reachable anymore. Even if a part of their APIs remains accessible, the requests sent from outside the application must fly through several management layers. Testers might want to remove these layers and send requests straight to the service they want to test.

A typical Kubernetes application is usually made of several containers, and services within those containers. These are usually located behind an Egress/Ingress controller and many security layers, so interactions with the application are restricted to the overall application APIs, whether they are published or not. HCL OneTest offers a solution to these restrictions. Transparent remoting using HCL OneTest addresses individual services in the Kubernetes cluster directly–as if they were local. Rather than going through the Ingress controller, testers can interact with the containerized services directly.

Listen to Chris Haggan, HCL Software Head of Product- DevOps, Stuart Walker, HCL Software Technical Sales Specialist, and Martin Lescuyer, HCL OneTest Product Manager, on the latest TestGuild webinar as they discuss:

  • How Transparent Remoting using HCL OneTest works
  • What it looks like in practice
  • Why it’s so important for your users

Learn more about HCL OneTest here.


Chris Haggan
Chris has been working in the software testing space for over 20 years as a practitioner, tools evangelist, and most recently as product manager.
As the head of product management for DevOps at HCL, Chris guides a broad portfolio of solutions, and continues to maintain expertise in the testing field.

Stuart Walker
Over the past 18 years, Stuart specialized in the Integration Test and Service Virtualization space, and more recently he diversified to include other dimensions of test and data automation. Working closely with engineering and product management teams on new initiatives, Stuart channels the user experience, trying to ensure that the average tester is at the heart of design and feature/function when bringing to market new offerings.

Martin Lescuyer
Martin has been involved in testing product developments for more than 20 years. Early on, he was involved in the embedded testing product world and changed to the performance testing product as a development manager. He recently moved into a product management role and is in charge of HCL OneTest.

April 4, 2023
10:00 AM EDT

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